Orthopedic Supplies

Types of Orthopedic Supplies

CPM Machines

Patients can use a continuous passive motion device during their rehabilitation after a surgery of trauma. The main purpose of the machine is to help the patient regain and maintain good motion of an injured joint. CPM devices constantly move the joint through a range of motion. Usually, doctors gradually increase this amount of movements over time. If you need to use a CPM machine, make sure you follow the instructions. Otherwise, affected areas may develop sores if the treatment is not applied properly. You may have to use a CPM device after certain types of reconstructive surgery such as knee replacement surgery.

Traction Equipment

Traction is a practice of slowly pulling on a body part to guide it back into place or to relieve pain. Special equipment achieves this result by using ropes, weights, and pulleys. Moreover, different equipment helps with different conditions: neck pain, muscle spasms, headache, cervical syndrome, back pain, scoliosis and more. It is important to note that traction is only a part of the treatment and is meant to relieve pain temporarily. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss a treatment program with your doctor and follow provided instructions closely. If done right, traction can be very effective in providing pain relief and advancing your recovery.

Supplies for Legs & Arms

Orthopedic supplies for arm and leg support can greatly affect your healing process. When going through the rehabilitation process, finding the right supplies is essential. The orthopedic products for legs include compression sleeves, elevation boots and more. In addition, here you can find heel cushions that will help you feel more comfortable while walking. Armbands, compression sleeves and elbow braces, as well as arm slings, will provide support for an injured arm. All supplies are available in different sizes and materials to suit your every need. At Acu Health Care you will find all the orthopedic supplies you might need for a fast and painless recovery.

Supplies for Head & Neck

Head and neck injuries always require proper supplies for a better recovery. Cervical collars, otherwise know as neck braces, help relieve pain and prevent further injury by providing firm and comfortable support. They are also used to treat strains, sprains, and whiplash. In addition, at Acu Health Care you will find head protectors that can protect a special needs person from potential harm.

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